Wednesday, June 1, 2016

In which the kids choose their names

I said yesterday that my kids were going to get pseudonyms for this blog, since it's public and I'd rather limit how easy it is to identify them. Obviously, if someone were sufficiently determined they could probably figure it out, but at any rate they can be safe from future significant others, bosses, etc randomly coming across the blog and figuring it out.

So yesterday at dinner I asked the kids what they wanted their pseudonyms to be. (Keep in mind that these (well, at least the older two) are the same kids who wanted to name their younger siblings stop sign, lamp post, and stop light, "so that they would have to stay outside." We don't have any sibling rivalry in this family. Nope. None at all.) In any case, I assumed that they would have moved past their two year old desire to name people after objects. Or at any rate, that this desire wouldn't apply to names that they were choosing for themselves. I mean, I would have chosen "Jessica" or maybe "Melissa" or even "Jennifer". (Can you tell what decade I'm from?) I figured that I'd get an Emily or a Julia, a Matthew or a Noah. Needless to say, I didn't. Instead I have, for the time being at least, Sapphire, Ezio, and Cherry.

Might I observe that all of Cherry's dolls have normal names: Sabrina, Samantha, Jamie, Mathilda. So do most of the characters in the novel that Sapphire is writing (although, come to think of it, I think one of them might be named Sapphire). (Also, if you actually know us, and you refer to her novel in any way, shape, or form, she may never speak to me again. Just so you know.) So my daughters are capable of coming up with more standard names. And Ezio is the main character in Assassin's Creed 2, so that explains my son's choice.

So, for the foreseeable future, my children are Cherry (an almost 10 year old girl), Ezio (a 13 year old boy), and Sapphire (an almost 16 year old girl). Now we just have to see how long it takes before I yell at one of them to stop doing something using their pseudonym instead of their real name.

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